Rapport mensuel sur l’activité indigène dans le Département de Constantine, 1er juin 1942
This report gives an overview of May 1942. It also contains information on elected Muslim officials, reformist ulemas, religious brotherhoods, indigenous Jews, the press, economic issues, propaganda …
In the department of Constantine, 31 Jewish doctors have been ordered to cease their activities. The deadline is June 15th. The spiritual leader of the community has requested a stay so that they continue to practice their profession as long as the typhus epidemic lasts. Here are the names of the doctors authorized to continue the exercise of their profession by application of the decree of November 5, 1941: doctors Elbaz Jonathan, Mimouni Gilbert, Narboni Georges, Tenoudji Robert, Naouri Lucien, Taieb Samuel, Carpanetti Léon. The reason for their retention is that they all have a fighter card.
This year, Jewish scouting societies have been warned that it is preferable that they don’t participate in the festival in honor of Joan of Arc.