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Bulletin mensuel d’informations concernant la politique indigène dans le Département de Constantine, octobre 1939




אנגליה, גרמניה, טורקיה, צרפת, קונסטנטין


Abbas Ferhat, Bendjelloul, benkhellaf, cheikh Benbadis, Sisbane, Tamzali


antisémitisme, Indigenous, partis politiques



Folder Number:

AEP_11H_59_179 עד AEP_11H_59_186


The report reports on the ensemble of October 1939, on the activities of the Muslims, the Reformists, the Reformed Religions. On the eve of learning information about the party of the general population, the congressman, the European party on the activities of indigenes.

The report notes about Jews :

1. The tension between the European and indigenous elements towards the Jews because of “the arrogant attitude of certain recently reformed Israelites and the abusive speculations of certain Jewish wholesalers on the selling prices of cereals”.

2. On the occasion of rare incidents that took place in Constantine and the department, we notice that the Jews got closer to the Muslims in reaction to an anti-Semitic current to have its origin in the propaganda of the European right-wing parties.

3. The hostility between Jews and Muslims arises intermittently, there is a latent and racial antagonism.


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