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Rapport sur la situation politique dans le département de Constantine, 10 novembre 1936




איטליה, גרמניה, קונסטנטין


Abdellah, Ben El Mouffok, Bendjelloul, Benkhelil, Benlabiod, cheikh Benbadis, cheikh Brahimi Bachir, Chikhi, Debabeche, Dellouche, Kheirred-Dine Mohammed, Messali Hadj, Saadane, Tahrat


antisémitisme, Indigènes, partis politiques



Folder Number:

AEP_11H_59_002 עד AEP_11H_59_014


This report describes in different parts: the main facts of the period, the action of political parties and groups (French, Israelites …), the state of mind of the populations. The Israelite community of Constantine gives a sum of 8,000 francs to the organizers of the Zerda (meal). This gesture is not seen as a trend regarding the attitude of the Israelites about the indigenous question. Most of them militate in the French left and extreme left-wings. There is a danger that the anti-Jewish feeling, still alive among Muslims, will suddenly worsen. This explains why the Constantine Israelites strive to be in good disposition with the Ulemas.

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