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Rapport hebdomadaire numéro 42 sur la situation politique et économique dans la commune mixte de Tablat, 17 juillet 1940




אלג'יר, טאבלה, מרס אל כביר


Commune mixte, Vichy anti-Jewish legislation



Folder Number:



This report describes the good morale of the European and indigenous populations. The report mentions several informations :

1.A Circular from the prefect of Algiers prescribes to continue any act of propaganda in favor of England, because they are “in the category of remarks intended to favor the actions of a foreign power against France”.

2. Public opinion disapproved of the English action against the French fleet at Mers El Kébir. This event removed “all illusion to the few people”, who could think that “the interest of France was to continue the fight alongside his ex-ally in new theaters of operation”.

3. “Public opinion has taken note with satisfaction of the new constitution and of the first measures decreed by the new Government”. “The measures taken against foreigners and in particular the prohibition to access to certain high public offices, for people who weren’t born of French parents, are commented favorably by the natives, who see in it the will of the country to establish and now follow an exclusively French-inspired policy. “

4. The economic situation is good.

Commune mixte in French colonial period is a neighborhood managed by civil servants French, Arab (indigenous) and Jews.

The document can be consulted at the documentation center, Institut Ben-Zvi. Appointment requiered.

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