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הערה מפרובינציית קונסטנטין בנוגע לקטטות בין יהודים למוסלמים ילידים – 3







Folder Number:

AEP_B3_248_025 / 026


Note from the Prefecture of Constantine concerning the brawls between Jews and indigenous Muslims :

“Central Commission
I have the honor to inform you that the facts recounted in our current report of the 28th between a native and Israelites are of a certain gravity. They caused a great effervescence in the Moslem population of the city.

I desire that similar facts be no longer repeated, and I beg you to make such arrangements as you think fit.

In case new conflicts arise between natives and Israelites, you will have to crack down on criminals very rigorously whatever the category to which they belong.

Please keep me informed of the outcome of the open information on this case.”

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