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Interview with the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Jewish newspaper “Pro Israel” – Thessaloniki, 1917


Aix-en-Provence Archives, File 1H34, pp.7698-7702, Ben-Zvi Institute. Thessaloniki (Greece), 20.06.1917: Interview with N. Politis, the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs, by the journalist Lucien Magnès, in the newspaper "Pro Israel". The document is a copy of the interview which was sent by the French Consul in Thessaloniki to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (with a detailed letter, See pp.7703-7704, doc.1H34, Aix-en-Provence Archives).
The Minister encourages the foundation of a Jewish State in Eretz Israel/Palestine in the new Jewish Journal "Pro Israel".
You can view the item at the Documentation Center.

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