La Dépêche Algérienne before and during the war, from 1939 until the armistice in June 1940: 11/5/1940
Raoul Cohen-Addad Archives – file B 24, page 643 , Ben-Zvi Institute
La Dépêche Algérienne before and during the war, from 1939 until the armistice in June 1940
Headline: "Ajoutant un crime à ses crimes, Hitler a déclenché la guerre totale: Hier a 3 heures du matin les troupes allemanndes ont attaqu/e la Hollande, la Belguque et le Luxembourg" (Adding to his list of crimes, Hitler has unleashed total war: Yesterday at 3 AM, German troops attacked Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg)
Headline: "C'est l'heure du grand devoir" (It is an hour of great need)