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Video testimony by Rachel Kakun Hajaj


גפסא, קירואן


הטלאי הצהוב, עבודת כפייה, עלייה, ציונות




Her father was born in Gafssa and her mother in
Gibraltar, theט met when her father was working for her uncle in his jewelry store. Her father was very religes.
She studied in a French high Scholl, and tells about different aspects of life before the war: religious events, relations with the neighbors etc.
Remembers that the wars broke out on Friday when one of the Arab neighbors   came and warn them about the approaching German army. Remembers the yellow patch.
In one specific occasion a German officer came to their house, saw her sister and took out his gun, the family was cretin that he is about to kill her father when their kitty came in the room. The officers pat the cat and left, the cat died the same day and the family saw it as a miracle.   
During the war her brothers worked at the local hospital and her sister stayed home.
After the war her brother came to Israel on Exodus and the family followed his footsteps.
After coming to Israel she met her husband and build a family. 

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