Rapport au sujet du discours tenu par un rabbin lors d’un mariage israélite, Constantine, 22 décembre 1941
This report describes several pieces of information:
1/ During the marriage in Constantine, of the daughter of the former Chief Rabbi, the Chief Rabbi spoke, during his speech, of the misfortunes which struck the people of Israel and of the God who would “aveven them”. According to this report, it would be appropriate to monitor the speeches of Jewish weddings and “remind the Chief Rabbi of the political neutrality” that the Powers require of any member of the Cult.
2/ Important merchants from Constantine were arrested to appear before the Court Martial (Attali Ernest, Tenoudji Gabriel, Gozland Maurice, Gozland René, Halimi Benjamin, Laloum Gustave, Tubiana Jacob, Zerbib Jules, Moatti Simon). Some of these arrests can be explained, according to some, by racial motives.