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Recensement des Juifs – le cas SOLAL Edouard, Juillet à Octobre 1942





Folder Number:




On July 28 and October 13, 1942, Two notes from the Governor General to the Prefect of Constantine, civil status documents and various testimonies (pp. 316-330) show the importance that the Administration attaches to demonstrate the Jewish identity of an individual, who apparently sought to evade the census.

In the first (bearing the stamp “VERY URGENT”) it is requested to continue research concerning a teacher named SOLAL Edouard : “…The response sent to the person concerned in May 1941 settled his situation with regard to the law of October 3, 1940 today repealed by that of June 2, 1941. It is therefore necessary to reconsider the case, taking into account the new regulations. For this purpose you will kindly provide me with all information on the person concerned to establish his status as a Jew or non-Jew within the meaning of article 1 of the law of June 2, 1941 (birth certificate, information on his filiation, baptismal certificate if applicable”.

In the second note, the Governor is more insistent. The interested party “is invited to produce all the documents necessary to establish :

– or that at least three of his grandparents were not of Jewish race ;

– or that at least two of his grandparents were not of Jewish race, that he himself never belonged to the Jewish religion or ceased to belong to it before June 25, 1940, and if he is married, that his spouse is not Jewish (using the same set of documents as for himself). These proofs must be provided by means of regular baptismal certificates, issued for less than one year, the signature of the issuing authority having to be duly legalized. In addition, he must establish, by means of civil status documents or their photograph, his filiation opposite to his parents and grandparents as well as, where applicable, his status as a single person”.

There follow documents and testimonies (including that of a rabbi) which attempt to prove, on the one hand that SOLAL Edouard sought to demonstrate that he is not Jewish, and on the other hand that he actually has Jewish ancestry and received a Jewish religious education.

On October 16, 1942, the Sub-Prefect of Philippeville transmitted his conclusions to the Prefect of Constantine on the SOLAL Edouard case (pp. 313-314) with regard to his status as a Jew. He mentions in particular his filiation and the testimony of a rabbi who knew him.

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