Rapport sur l’activité du docteur Loufrani, Alger, 2 avril 1943
This report was sent to the Director of the Cabinet of the Ambassador of France, to the Governor General of Algeria, to the Director of Muslim Affairs and Southern Territories at the Information and Study Centers of Algiers, Oran and Constantine. It is made up of two pages (the first page is illegible) which summarizes the activities of Doctor Loufrani. We can read the names of the different people who participated in one of Dr. Loufrani’s meetings, as well as a summary of their speech. It is in particular a question of the return of the republican regime, of the social emancipation of the native, of the speech of General Giraud and the passage on “the Israelite working in the echope, and the Muslim in the bled”; and the issue of Messali’s release.