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Poste de Police de Djerba – Rapports : passage de membres de la C.I.A. – 28-30 Juillet 1941.




משרד החוץ הצרפתי

Folder Number:

FFM_8GMIII-10 PART 1_0004 - 0008


July 28-30, 1941 – These reports from the Commander of the Police Brigade relate the visits to the island of the US Vice-Consul and of a member of the CIA (Italian Armistice Commission). They describe in great detail the whereabouts of Mr. Woodruf and the people he has met.

Their arrival is described as follows : « They were in civilian clothes and had taken their seats in car Libya-T N ° 3416, which was driven by an Italian also in civilian clothes ». The departure of the Vice-Consul thus : « At the time of departure he was dressed in khaki shorts and a polo shirt, orange and at the time of his return he was still wearing khaki shorts… ».

It is said that an Italian agent « watched all the movements of the Consul », and that this agent « was watched very closely during his stay : nothing abnormal was noticed ». The CIA member came from Gabès and « he left Houmt-Souk at 2:25 pm […and] had no contact with the population ».