Ordre de mobilisation, 31 mai 1938
This document is an anti-Semitic mobilization order, emanating from the President of the Republic of France Albert Lebrin (Lebrun). He declares that “all Jews from 17 to 60 years old, half-years, quarter-Jews, matinees, married to Jews, Blumists or others, will be assigned, only, to combat and frontline infantry units. No disability, the reason for the postponement, reform will be valid for a Jew or assimilated. This kind of soldier will never be able, in any case, to reach a rank. ” The poster specifies that any violation of the various articles cited “will be punished by the death penalty, without discussion or murmur”. We can also read “So all the Jews on the front line! […] The wounded Jews will never be evacuated from the army zone. They will heal in the army zone. They will die, if necessary, in the army zone. zone of the armies. […] One must always be wary of the Jews, even when they are dead “[…].