Rapport sur le mouvement antisémitique dans le département d’Oran, 30 avril 1938
The report describes the only anti-Semitic formation in Oran: the “Amitiés Latines”, founded by Mr. Lambert, mayor of Oran. The different sections are in the process of being organized. Anti-Semitism is also part of the program of other political groups: the French Popular Party and National Action. The French Social Party, the majority of whose members are anti-Semitic, declares itself hostile to anti-Semitism. Antisemitic propaganda is manifested through the press articles in “Oran matin” and “Le Matin oranais” and the meetings. The goal pursued by Mr. Lambert is to intensify the recruitment of members in order to ensure an electoral majority. Mr. Lambert also wishes to associate the native Muslims in his work by organizing a Muslim section of Amitiés Latines. Leaflets are distributed by the Amitiés Jacques Bainville and the Algerian Action in Oran, the question of anti-Semitism is raised during conferences. Oran plans to set up an “Israelite-inspired Vigilance Committee”, which will use all legal means to fight against anti-Semitism.