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Report by Guelma’s (Algeria) Vice Prefect to Constantine’s (Algeria) Prefect – 1934


גלמה, קונסטנטין


Indigenous, משטרה, עיתון, פריפקט (מוֹשֵׁל מָחוֹז), קולוניאליזם


אל אומה, נציבות מחוז


Aix-en-Provence archive, document n. 9H53, p.1610, Ben-Zvi Institute.

Guelma (Algeria), 18.08.1934: Report from the Vice-Prefect of Guelma to the Constantine's (Algeria) prefect.
A report of the Vice Prefect of Guelma, Algeria. Attached in the report: a newspaper article (El Ouma – Aix-en-Provence archive, doc.9h53, pp.1612-1616) and the annual investigation (Aix-en-Provence archive, doc.9h53, p.1611) of Guelma's Chief Police.
You can view the item at The Documentation Center.
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