Jewish boycott of German goods
1) Consul Larache, Renschausen , sends a message to the Foreign Ministry in Berlin, saying Jewish businessman are an important part of the business in Tangier require to continue the boycott. In addition, the French government stands behind the boycott
2) The trade boycott against German is much more severe than in France and Spain. The French government are advocating the Jewish boycott of German goods.
3) A document that describe ‘the boycott is over’ – only one store announces boycott and the rest are engaged in trade as usual.
4) The article deals with the German anti-Semitism plays into the hands of the French.
5)Mcnes sends a proclamation to the Foreign Ministry. The manifesto expresses the Jewish call to boycott . The manifesto detail how to act and how to reject German goods, as well as for having to notify authorities of all German propaganda. (05/19/1933).
6) Renschausen reports to Rinteln of the Foreign Ministry. He claims that behind the incited Jews stand the French bugger.
Notice of the declaration on a day of fast for the jews of Tangier as an act of solidarity with the Jews of Germany