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Private Papers of H H Kassman – Letters and Photograph from Kassman to Mother, June 11, 1942




בנגאזי, דרנה, טוברוק


H. Henry Kassman


צבא הבריטי


Imperial War Museum (IWM)

Folder Number:

Gunner HH Kassman 1-4.1942


Pages 2-4: Letters to mother (one letter in two parts). Compiler’s note: “Letter written in June 1942 when the censorship was lifted on descriptions relating to 153 Battery’s final days in Tobruk. Henry describes the Battery’s exit from Tobruk and their journey to Benghazi.” Detailed account, including path, descriptions and anecdotes, description of Benghazi and its Jewish market, trade between soldiers and Senussis. Kassman mentions the story is still partially constrained by censorial limits, and thus incomplete. 


Page 4: Photograph. “Derna, from top of Derna Pass, 1/42” 

Places mentioned by name: Tobruk, Gazala (bay), Derna, Derna Pass, Tocra Pass, Benghazi. 


N.B. The letters are from June 1942, but appear between letters from January 1942, likely because they describe in detail what Kassman just experienced but could not yet talk about in detail in his letters due to military censorship. The date range – letters from 11.6.1942 and photograph from January 1942 – is accurate.