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Rapport générale sur le moral des populations, les étrangers, la propagande des partis politiques, etc, Oran, 13 mai 1940




אוראן, איטליה, ספרד, צרפת


Bolijat Frano, Diègo Santander, Juan Carreras Nadal, Juan March, Pintor Roque, prêtre Manresa, Prévost


Indigènes-Colons, propagande


parti du peuple algérien (PPA)



Folder Number:



This report highlights several elements:

1. Several identity checks take place, 13 foreigners were prosecuted for lack of card or non-renewal. Bolijat Frano, Yugoslav, and Santander Diègo were arrested for having made defeatist remarks, likely to influence the spirit of the armies and the populations.

2. French morale remains good, despite the withdrawal of Allied troops in Norway. The invasion of Holland, and Belgium, and the total attack of the German forces against the allies did not affect the calm of the population.

3. The arrest of several members of the Ulema party and those of the PPA, with a view to transporting them to the camp of Djenien bou-Rezg, produced a salutary example.

4. Hatred of democracies and the French Republic is taught in the centers of the Auxilio social. The priest Manresa is the political delegate of the Spanish Government to the Consul of Spain in Oran. He set up a school at the headquarters of the Auxilio social to provide elementary education in Spanish. But in reality, it is to find out about the true feelings of the Spaniards in Oranie and to carry out propaganda for the Francoist cause. It is also to determine the immediate return to Spain of Spanish refugees or not who could later become French citizens and instill in children the duty to serve Spain and not France “led by Freemasons and Jews, enemies of Christ the King”.