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Rapport au sujet d’une attaque à main armée, par des militaires de l’armée allemandes, Sétif, 9 juin 1944




אלג'יר, סטיף


capitaine Petitgas, gendarme Marcel Ricoult, gendarme Paul Laurier, Mohamed Bourenane





Folder Number:



This report indicates several events involving German soldiers.

1. A truck driver, of American brand, but assigned to the French army, did not stop at the injunctions of the soldier on duty in this town. Several gendarmes try to stop the truck, in vain. A final barrier allows the occupants to be immobilized. These are German soldiers who open fire on the French gendarmes. After an important exchange of fire, five Germans were captured, one of whom died. Reinforcements are requested from the Commander of Arms in Bordj-Bou-Arréridj. French military formations are sent to the scene very quickly. The report indicates that throughout this operation, the indigenous populations are helping. Thanks to them, from June 8, 1944, there were no Germans left to capture.

2. The investigation following the arrest reveals that two French soldiers from the 27th Train stationed in Birmandreis (Algiers) were ordered to deliver equipment to Tunis. A truck is made available to them. They come across several roadblocks on their way. They are arrested and become by the Germans. The latter seized the vehicle in which mounted fifteen enemy soldiers and was loaded with food and ammunition. The truck will be stopped later by the gendarmes of the Mansours Brigade.