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Statut des Juifs – Lois et Décrets, 1940-1943





Folder Number:

AEP_93_3G_5-6_0521-0523, 0527-0537


Various texts of laws and decrees issued during the years 1940 to 1943 relating to the status of Jews, which evolved over time, are on file. Of particular note is the one that abrogates the Crémieux Decree of 1870.

– JEWS – Law n ° 254 of February 18, 1942 establishing the status of the indigenous Jews of Algeria

“Article I – The decree of the Government of National Defense of October 24, 1870, declaring French citizens the native Israelites of the departments of Algeria, is abrogated. The indigenous Jews of Algeria remain subject to the senatus-consultum of July 14, 1865 ; they cannot avail themselves of the provisions of the law of February 4, 1919”.

The following articles define under which conditions these Jews can retain the status of French citizen, but without in any case benefiting from the rights specially reserved for French citizens.