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Recensement des Juifs – le cas du Docteur NATAF, Avril à Juillet 1942





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April 27, 1942 – Doctor François Joseph NATAF, who apparently refuses to be registered as a Jew, writes to the Administrator of the Mixed Commune of Om el Bouaghi giving him the reasons of his refusal. He explains that his wife born Rolande Berthe Potez is a Catholic of Catholic parents and grandparents and that his three daughters are all three Catholics. He adds : “As for myself… born a full French citizen, having lived, suffered and done war as such, having married as such, Catholic moreover ; I see myself forbidden by the commitment made during my marriage and by my conscience too, to declare that I am nothing but a French citizen like any other. Of course, there is no question of cheating or getting any benefits that I would not “legally” be entitled to. At thirty the horizon of my life appears to me closed on all sides because of my name. My wife and my innocent children have to suffer from bullying, misery (sic) and wanton humiliation. The very exercise of my profession, which has cost me so much effort and so much pain, will be forbidden to me. What is left for me in this downfall if not my conscience and my dignity ? So you will allow, Mr. Administrator, this conscience and this dignity, which make me, despite the laws, a free human being, to refuse to sign any other declaration than this one”.

April 27, 1942 – The Administrator of the Mixed Commune, Marcel Ribet, transmits to the Prefect of Constantine “the explanations provided by Dr. NATAF concerning his non-racial declaration”, and adds : “The penalties provided for in such a case must be applied”.

July 13, 1942 – The Prefect of Constantine writes to the Governor General of Algeria : “Regarding Doctor Nataf from Canrobert, he has made known by attached letter that he refuses to make the regulatory declaration. Consequently, and in accordance with the provisions of article 2 of the law of June 2, 1942, I appeal to the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the purpose of prosecuting this offender”.